so i got my e.l.f products and this is my review on the 100 eyeshadow palette. Sad to say I'm not happy with the quality :( I will not bored you with a paragraph on why just tell you the reasons.
1-No Pigment
Few colors of the palette were OK only! but mostly they were all on my face. Maybe there other pallets are better or there mineral. I won't recommended this product unless you are giving it to a young girl who just starting to use makeup.
It will work if you use base on your eyes! that's the only way i suggest to use this product! other then that don't buy it....sad to say I won't use it, maybe will run it to my mom to see if she likes it.. I'm staying with my Avon...or my new Too Faced. But if you are low in money i suggest Avon or drug store brand. They have good palettes and for a very low cost too and they work amazing.
more reviews on e.l.f tomorrow
I only got it for $5.00 instead of $10.00..